Clinics & Workshops
Episode #1 Bridleless Riding with Rachelle Reichert
SAHA Bridleless Riding Clinic-July 3, 2022
A huge thank you to Rachelle Reichert and Stride High Stables for an excellent Bridleless Riding Clinic! The riding skills demonstrated by Rachelle and her student, were amazing and clearly demonstrated the training and methodology required to go “Bridleless” with your horse and the advantages to both horse and rider of this type of training. Keep up the great work, Rachelle!
If you are interested in this type of training and riding contact Stride High Stables at 780-717-8770, info@stridehighstables.ca or www.stridehighstables.ca
#2 Horseback Archery – Laura Dettling, Northern Lights Archery
Horseback Archery - August 7, 2022
Thank you to Laura and everyone else who helped with the demo. Very impressive!